About the German Language
Why study German?
Germany is one of Ireland's leading trading partners and Irish companies need professionals with a good knowledge of German. Germany if the world's largest outbound market and is the third most important market for visitors to the island.
Career Possibilities
Germany is one of Ireland's leading trading partners and Irish companies need professionals with a good knowledge of German.
Germany is also the world's largest outbound market and is the third most important market for visitors to the Ireland. As such, the language would be very useful in a range of career areas:
Tourism, Hospitality, Food and Wine, Sales and Marketing, Teaching, Engineering, Finance, Technology and the Public Service.
Careers in the Institutions of the European Union are also available
Subject Content
Modern languages require students to be proficient in the following skills:
Oral Proficiency in a range of personal, social, cultural and topical areas.
Aural Proficiency
The ability to listen to and answer questions on a wide variety of auditory stimuli.
Comprehension Proficiency
The students must be able to read, interpret, extract and manipulate texts ranging from literature to contemporary journalism and answer questions in the target language.
Written Production Proficiency
The student must be able to react to a given stimulus in grammatically correct everyday German. These stimuli can take the form of an informal or formal letter, a reaction to a picture, photo, chart, etc. or expressing one’s own opinion on a syllabus-related topic.
A wide variety of themes are covered, for example:
Current affairs