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Welcome to the

Maths Department

In St Joseph’s Mercy Secondary School, we have fully embraced Project Maths syllabus and we eagerly promote the relevance of Maths in everyday life. We are aware of the necessity to provide our girls with the basic maths tools to be active problem solvers and to be equipped with dealing with maths in their lives around them. Further to this we encourage our students to seek opportunities to study Maths and Maths related courses at third level.


We aim to provide our students with confidence to continue their Maths paths in life, building on the tools and knowledge we have provided them in their classroom experiences. Our classrooms are equipped with visualisers, data projectors, probability kits, geometry sets and spare calculators.


Transition Year provides our students with the opportunity to take an investigative approach to Maths. Projects based on the origins of Maths and Maths-related careers are some of the areas that are explored. Another fun activity carried out in Transition Year is designing maths themed games. Down through the years, toy companies have approached our students with a view to mass-producing some of their products.


Further information about the content of the Junior and Senior Cycle courses can be found on this website. 


Should you have any further questions, feel free to contact the school through the menu at the top of the page.


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