Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE)
The Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE) programme at St Joseph’s Mercy Navan provides pupils with unique opportunities to develop the skills and competencies to learn about themselves and care for themselves and others, and to make informed decisions about their health, personal lives and social development.
The curriculum is structured in such a way as to treat the social, personal and health dimensions of the student’s life in an integrated manner. It provides for the development of a broad range of values, attitudes, skills and understanding relevant to the student’s health and wellbeing, to other people, and to the society in which she lives. This foundation will inform the student’s actions, behaviour and decisions in the many situations that she may encounter and have to deal with as part of everyday life and living.
Teachers attend regular training from the SPHE teachers’ professional network and other relevant organisations. Regular Department meeting are held where the programme is evaluated and teachers have an opportunity to share ideas and discuss the pupils’ progress. The Junior Cycle SPHE curriculum can be viewed here and the Senior Cycle curriculum here.